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On December 20, 2019, the exhibition “The Good Old 2020s. Final Avant-Garde” at the workshop of the Smirnov and Sorokin Foundation in Moscow. Following is the text of art critic Konstantin Zatsepin, one of the authors of the project. “In …

A one-day exhibition on the tracks of the operating children’s railroad in Hrazdan Gorge, Yerevan, Armenia, held on May 15, 2023. Looking at the dates of the construction of the railroad (1937) and the tunnel (1956), we can see the …

“The exhibition “A tiger comes to the forest and has breakfast” opened on June 7, 2019 and was timed to coincide with the launch of a new clothing brand ADLR. The project in Richter space was designed to show how …

Media artist and performer Anastasia Alyokhina asked me to develop a script and visual solutions for her new worn-out object Red Pixel. On her website, she write about it this way: «Red pixel is an electronic mask that imitates rashes …

“The exhibition in bushes” is the punk project, which was essentially an intervention in the forest belt adjacent to the railway in the Moscow district of Marfino, near the subway “Fonvizinskaya”. It was conceived in 2017 together with the artist …