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Police of bad art


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“Bad Art Police” is a short viral video balancing on the verge of not too funny meme and propaganda cliches from Sunday’s news shows. This is a disappointing prediction, a ruthless essay on censorship and self-censorship, on freedom of will and creativity in not very free time.
One day in the life of an irreplaceable employee of a special department of the Ministry of Culture. He separates good art from bad art by a clear instruction from the top by an anonymous official “in a mask and without a name”. Violence is his instrument, loyalty to his superiors is his principle, protection of public taste is his goal.

Excerpt from the Bad Art Police charter

Article 2: Purpose and objectives of the BAP.
1. Identification of bad works of contemporary art, suppression of attempts to create them, prevention of bad ideas
2. Establishment of names of bad Russian artists and foreign artists working with the problems of the Russian cultural context, creating bad art constantly or from time to time
3. Protection of individuals, society and the state from all kinds of encroachments by persons with poor taste
4. Ensuring control over bad taste during mass cultural events.